Déclaration : HERSC stands in solidarity with ETUCE member organisations in France

mercredi 27 février 2019

The French trade unions take action against increase of tuition fees for students from non-EU countries

The French Prime minister announced on November 18, 2018, that tuition fees for students from countries outside the EU will be expected to considerably increase from now on : 2770€ (instead of 170€) for bachelor’s degree, and 3770€ (instead of 243€ and 380€ for master’s degree and PhD respectively).

Considering that “quality” goes hand in hand with high price and passing over the principle of free public education, the French government introduces economic, social and geographic discrimination, jeopardizing education and paving the way towards its complete commodification. The increase will dramatically affect universities and research labs : the majority of foreign students (including 1 our of 3 PhD candidates) in France come from countries outside the UE ; the number of students, and therefore their contribution to knowledge and international cooperation, will considerably decrease. This project will probably be the prelude to an increase of tuition fees for all students, aiming at reducing public funding for higher education and transforming studies into a mere commercial product competing in the marketplace.

The French trade unions are unanimous in their disapproval of this project and their demand that the government withdraws it. A petition has already received more than 310.000 signatures. We are all concerned by this attack against universities as cosmopolitan spaces welcoming people from all over the world, promoting inclusiveness and fostering democracy and equal rights.


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PDF - 3.9 ko









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"URGENCE : la mise en œuvre du Rifseep entérine les écarts de prime entre universités et organismes !"

URGENCE : la mise en œuvre du Rifseep entérine les écarts de prime entre universités et organismes !

REFUSONS cette injustice !

REFUSONS ce régime de prime inégalitaire entre les établissements mais aussi entre les agents au sein d’un même établissement !

ignez et faite signer la pétition en ligne :